Top 25 Journals in Arts and Humanities Ranked by SJR

List of Top Most Arts and Humanities Journals Ranked by SJR

Journal SJR
Administrative Science Quarterly 14.175 Q1 Q1
Science 11.902 Q1 Q1
Psychological Bulletin 8.412 Q1 Q1
Philosophical Review, The 6.146 Q1 Q1
Journal of Consumer Research 5.428 Q1 Q1
Radiocarbon 4.956 Q1 Q1
Psychological Methods 4.235 Q1 Q1
Human Relations 3.597 Q1 Q1
Psychological Review 2.785 Q1 Q1
Nous 2.783 Q1 Q1
Applied Psychology 2.664 Q1 Q1
Computers in Human Behavior 2.641 Q1 Q1
Journal of Business Ethics 2.624 Q1 Q1
Journal of Marriage and Family 2.464 Q1 Q1
Behavior Research Methods 2.396 Q1 Q1
Multivariate Behavioral Research 2.351 Q1 Q1
Gender and Society 2.273 Q1 Q1
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 2.225 Q1 Q1
Decision Support Systems 2.211 Q1 Q1
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2.175 Q1 Q1
Business Ethics Quarterly 2.165 Q1 Q1
Group and Organization Management 2.165 Q1 Q1
Political Psychology 2.161 Q1 Q1
Postdigital Science and Education 2.155 Q1 Q1
Journal of Peasant Studies 2.092 Q1 Q1



What is SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)?

The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is a free, publicly available metric that measures the prestige of scholarly journals. It considers the number of citations a journal receives and the prestige of the journals that cite it. The SJR is calculated by averaging the number of weighted citations received in a year by articles published in a journal in the previous three years. The SJR weighs each citation by the SJR of the citing journal, based on the belief that citations from more prestigious journals are worth more.

The SJR is different from the traditional Journal Impact Factor (JIF), which is calculated by dividing the number of citations to a journal in the JCR year by the total number of citable items published in the previous two years. The SJR is available from Scopus, while the JIF draws on data from Web of Science.

How is SCImago Journal Rank calculated?

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) measures the frequency with which content published in a journal was cited in other journals during the three previous years (compared to previous two years with Journal Impact Factor).

SCImago’s ranking system is rooted in the belief that citations from prestigious journals are worth more than those from less prestigious journals. SJR weights each incoming citation to a journal by the SJR of the citing journal, with a citation from a source with a high SJR counting for more than a citation from a source with a low SJR.

SCImago attempts to normalize their rankings to account for differences in citation behavior between disciplines. The scoring scale brings everything down to 1 for easy comparison. A journal with a SJR value > 1.0 has above average citation potential and journal with a SJR value < 1.0 has below average citation potential.

How do I read a SCImago Journal Rank?

For example, The Journal of Fantabulous Examples (JFE) had an SJR of 1.5 in 2023. This would mean that articles published in JFE in 2020, 2021, and 2022 received an average of 1.5 weighted citations in 2023.

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