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English Editing Services
Academic English Editing

Our English Editing Services provides a new outlook on the manuscript, fine-tuning the English Language to make the manuscript compliant with other international submissions.

Academic Translation

We undertake translation services for the following languages. We provide fast professional (human) translation by streamlining the translation process (mainly for scholarly research papers).

Paganism Checking Services
Academic Plagiarism Checking

High plagiarism score of the manuscript during peer review leads to rejection. It is always better to get Plagiarism reports before submission of manuscripts. 

Increase your acceptance chances
for publication by a high Impact Factor journal


English Editing


Plagiarism Checking


Peer Review


Satisfied customers

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We are Your One-stop Solution for
English Editing Services & Publication Support Services

Frequently Asked Questions

English editing involves reviewing and revising written content in English to improve clarity, coherence, grammar, punctuation, and overall quality.

English editing services can help enhance the quality and professionalism of your written materials, making them more effective in conveying your message to your audience.

Anyone who produces written content in English can benefit from editing services, including students, academics, researchers, authors, businesses, and professionals.

The level of editing required depends on the quality of your initial draft and your specific needs. Services may range from basic proofreading for grammar and spelling errors to comprehensive editing for style, structure, and content clarity.

We provide a Certificate of Editing to prove that your paper has been edited by professional native English-speaking experts.